"Youth Peace Ambassadors of Non Formal Learning - phase 2" (YAMNFL 2) is a continuation of the successful project "Youth Ambassadors of Non Formal Learning" which was implemented from 11/2020 to 05/2022, and was approved by the ERASMUS-YOUTH program -2019-CB. The second phase of the program includes 6 partners and 6 associated partners from the program and Western Balkan (WB) countries. The purpose of the program is to engage young people in non-formal learning (NFL) activities and to strengthen young people's abilities to recognize the skills acquired through non-formal learning. Thus, it aims to improve their skills through innovative methods that will contribute to increasing their employability in the EU and the Western Balkans.
On 20/12/2012, the Council of the European Union issued a recommendation (2012/C 398/01) calling on EU Member States to develop and strengthen ways of recognizing non-formal learning (NFL). Since then, efforts have been made in the member states, but similar actions have not been implemented in the Western Balkan countries.
Within this framework, we seek to involve:
-Youth NGOs, responsible for the development of non-formal learning activities
-Civil Society Organizations, working with disadvantaged groups with an emphasis on youth
-Public bodies, which are responsible for designing specific policies
-Private enterprises, with the aim of enhancing the skills and recognition of non-formal learning abilities by employers
-Young people
The beneficiaries of the action will join the 2-year journey to get the knowledge of best practices used in their local realities, features of non-formal learning for increasing (self)employability, to collect inspiring successful stories, to develop dedicated tools and methods, and to get trained to directly work in the field.
With the results gained in phase 1, the action will involve existing youth ambassadors and introduce new beneficiaries from 6 states, equally covering WB and EU countries, that will build their capacities, but also act on the local level.
The project begins on the 1st of January 2024 and ends on the 31st of December 2025, directly involving partners and its associate partners from Bosnia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Italy, and Greece.
The consortium:
Udruzenje Agencija Lokalne Demokratije Iz Mostara, Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Coordinating Body)
United Societies Of Balkans, Greece
Iuventa Nevladina Organizacija Udruzenje, Serbia
Asocijacija Za Demokratski Prosperitet- Zid Udruzenje, Montenegro
Shoqata Youth 4 Society, Albania
Study Visit Study Visit of CSOs in Novi Sad, Serbia
The objectives of the study visit are for participants to discuss and share experiences, visit potential social enterprises, compare examples from other countries and share key steps to achieve change in their communities. The aim is to collect good practices and prepare a set of recommendations for stakeholders to understand how non-formal learning (NFL) processes can improve local communities and support the continued action and participation of young people through various mechanisms. This method of sharing knowledge and experiences offers a positive opportunity for all civil society organizations and other stakeholders to transfer know-how, share ideas and successful examples, and gain knowledge to promote positive social changes for young workers, entrepreneurs and the wider community. The visit will last 4 working days and 2 travel days, involving 2 people from each partner organization, 1 person from a collaborating organization and 2 support staff, a total of 20 people.