Erasmus+ Youth exchange “No equipment? No problem!” in
Krushevo, North Macedonia, 08 – 15 May 2024
37 young people and youth leaders from 6 European countries gathered in Krushevo to improve their physical and mental well-being through non-formal education, physical exercises, relaxation techniques and nutrition in an intercultural environment.
From 8th to 15th of May 2024, CET PLATFORMA Skopje hosted the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “No Equipment? No Problem!” in the picturesque town of Krushevo, North Macedonia. The Youth exchange brought together 37 young people and youth leaders from North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Serbia, and Romania to explore and learn more about healthy lifestyle, mental health, relaxation techniques, nutrition and more.
Throughout the week, participants explored and dug deeper into the topic of physical and mental health and how regular exercising has a huge impact on it. Through interactive workshops, games, creative activities, physical exercises, discussions, debates and other non-formal learning and experiential methods, participants managed to broaden their horizons, open their minds and enrich their lives. They learned more on how to exercise without equipment, how to nurture their mental health, how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and most importantly they made new connections and friendships that will last a lifetime.
Despite the sometimes-unfavorable weather, the days in Krushevo were filled with laughter,
positivity, and continuous intercultural learning. Participants shared their traditional foods and
dances, and learned new things about their countries and rich cultures. They also learned about relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation and visualization that taught them how to manage their emotions in a healthy way.
Besides learning new things, participants also got the opportunity to practice their gained and improved competencies by preparing and implementing workshops with local youngsters at Krushevo’s high school. Additionally, they developed plans for follow-up activities that they will implement back in their home countries in the following weeks that will aim to promote practicing and maintaining healthy lifestyles, intercultural learning and Erasmus+ programme.
This enriching week in Krushevo taught the participants valuable lessons and provided them with joyful experiences and new adventures that will remain with them forever. It taught them that they are strong, gave them ideas on how to work on themselves and that they are never alone.
For more details about the Youth Exchange activities, please visit the project website:
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union through the Key Action
1: Mobility projects for young people – “Youth Exchanges” and granted by the Macedonian
National agency for European educational programs and mobility.
The project is implemented in cooperation with partner organizations from Bulgaria (Youth Senate
Bulgaria), Greece (United Societies of Balkans), Italy (Agenzia per la Promozione dei Giovani),
Serbia (SFERA Serbia) and Romania (Asociația Tinerii 3D).